Desktop Diaries: Naked Giants

Interview & Photos by Athena Merry, Collages by Jade

these interviews were conducted over zoom + email between april and july of 2020. the answers are mostly unedited, offering an honest insight into the headspace of various bands/musicians across the world during these months.

you can read more desktop diaries here.

Naked Giants

How have you been, really

I am doing well. Coming into this I was already quite an introverted person, when not teaching, I was constantly writing, recording, or practicing various instruments. Since the weather has gotten warmer, The flowers have been out, the birds are plentiful, and the bicycles have been taken out of the garage. Though I do feel great joy when on stage, I can get a similar rush from biking long distances (and staying in shape while doing it). I miss the unknown and the adventure of tour (not to mention the income), however I don't have all too many bills to pay, and I have been able to teach students remotely during this time, so I am thankfully able to use this time to hone my craft of teaching and playing instruments (aside from the drums).

How has quarantine affected the way you create? Are there any changes that surprised you? Anything that’s remained the same?

I find I am writing more hooks and bass lines that fit a biker's tempo (roughly 90bpm). I hum tunes while on the bike, then those melodies come out when I sit down with the guitar or at the piano. I'm taking more time to learn lead guitar tricks, ukulele tricks, and listening to a lot of music (old and new).

Where have you been finding inspiration in isolation? And expanding on that, what’s the most random thing that has inspired you?

Every song we hear, every flower or bird we see, every quiet moment, every interaction, all of these things have an impact on what I create. All experience plays into my writing. I've noticed more recently, that a song is a collection of daydreams that has brought you to this musical destination. Today I was inspired by riding my bike under sunshine. Yesterday I was inspired by two birds in a mating dance. The day before that I was inspired by the feeling of wanting to get high, but choosing not to in that moment. There are struggles, inner, and outer, there are love birds, here and there, there is wind air all around. It's all beautiful, it's all random, it's all unique, it's all my personal human experience.

What does your typical day look like now? 

Wake up, coffee, oatmeal, Emails/phone meeting. Learn or write a song or two on guitar, errands (home depot or groceries), lesson plan, make sure my finances are all sorted, midday bike, lunch (leftovers from dinner the night before), practice or record music. teach a lesson or two. Late afternoon cycle (about 15 miles), cook dinner (rice/quinoa, some protein, lots of veggies), vibe high, and watch some tv with my dad (x-files, Twilight Zone, TNG, Anime (NGE or Spoace Dandy), Paul Thomas Anderson films, Rick and Morty).

Have you picked up any new habits? (conscious or unconscious) 

I started noticing birds (large and small) above and around me. There are a few Osprey nests near my house, and a few bald eagle's nests on my bike route, so seeing them identifying them, watching through binoculars, listening and recognizing their calls. It's a passive activity that brings awareness to the forefront of my mind. Because if I don't stop to look at a bird in that moment, it could fly away. poof. I also noticed I now call people when they text me far more often than before. I miss chit chat.

What do you find important right now? This can be as broad and world-effecting or as small and self-focused as you want. 

The health of myself, my family, and my students is important to me. I try to cook for my family, I wash my hands, I encourage us to walk and bike, I find it very important to enjoy what we can while we are alive and healthy. It is SO important to enjoy this moment.

As a musician unable to play live shows - how do you find yourself connecting with fans, now? How do you think this is impacting our experience of and relationship with music?

I have been interacting with Naked Giants fans on our Tuesday livestream series. It is fun to let them know what I have been up to, and to interact with their comments in real time. Considering myself a fan of many contemporary artists, I find that I have been diving deeper into their song writing/arranging. I hope to give folks an insight to my drum arrangements too as this time continues on. 

What was the last selfish thing you did? 

For my mental health, I had a deep talk with parents about how I smoke weed (it is legal in Washington state) and how as much as I want to be their perfect little boy, I cannot live up to some of their unrealistic (although well intentioned) expectations of who I should be. I told them I smoke weed at night sometimes, when I have no where to go, no where to drive to, no responsibilities at the end of a productive day. It was a bit selfish of me to ask to use their backyard as a place to light up, however, I told them it was the safest, and most legal place for me to do it. They agreed and we all still love each other, and we now lie less to one another! All the cards went onto the tabl

Tell us about the last time you truly felt free.

April 30th, 2020. My partner woke up at 6:30 AM to go to work, I woke up to make her an Iced Oat-milk Latte (aka yesterday's coffee with ice and a splash of oat milk), and since I was awake, I decided I would do my 15 mile cycle right then and there. So I hopped on my bike and flew down the hill, chasing the morning sunrise, no cars, far less cyclists, and hundreds of birds chirping. I felt pretty free on my solo sunrise circuit.

What’s something you’re proud of at the moment?

I am proud of my family. I think we are all trying our best, and we are quarantining together in a respectful and proactive manner. I'm also proud of my partner for continuing to work at her job, which I will not disclose but is honorable to the highest degree. I am proud of my bandmates, Gianni and Grant, and our manager Shea, for having weekly shows and also weekly phone calls to stay focused and productive. I am proud of my students and their families for caring about music. I am proud of myself for being a teacher in a field I am passionate about, and for biking everyday.

What long term effects do you think this experience will have on you moving forward? 

I hope to continue to bike and birdwatch long after all this. I think our band should still do the Tuesday livestreams (because how fun are they!), and I hope that concerts (especially smaller ones) have an even more positive and energetic vibe. (since we will all be so happy to have concerts again!)

What’s one thing you wish you would have done more of? One thing you will do more of after the pandemic has ended?

I do wish I could record more on my own, I have done a little bit, however most nights I find myself watching shows (family time) instead of squirrled away in my room shredding away at takes for demos. After this pandemic is over I hope I play drums everyday.



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